The Institute of Healing through Pregnancy Loss


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Sharna Southan


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

My current business focuses on education & awareness of holistic healing & recovery. After personally experiencing pregnancy loss, I recognized a lack of support available and made it my mission to change that. I use my own personal growth and education to create training and educational programs for both individuals who have experienced loss and healthcare professionals. In 2022, I introduced a certification program to train more individuals to become Pregnancy Loss Practitioners, ensuring there is a greater number of trained professionals available to support those navigating pregnancy loss. Our goal is to provide the necessary support and guidance during a difficult time.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

With a $10k investment, I would be able to significantly enhance the profit and impact of my business. Firstly, I would allocate a portion of the funds towards marketing and advertising campaigns. This would increase brand exposure, attract new customers, and ultimately boost sales. Additionally, I would invest in more education bring continued awareness that is outside the norm. The remaining funds would be utilized to hire skilled professionals who can assist with tasks, allowing me to focus on strategic initiatives and business growth. Overall, this investment would enable me to expand my reach, increase efficiency, and generate higher profits while making a larger impact in the holistic healing space.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

I deliver education that is outside the norm, so this would allow me to continue my growth so that I can continue to share & educate what I learn with others.
I would hire a VA to support me on my social media & marketing
I would like to redesign my website, so it reflects where my business is at, its mission & vision & improve the SEO (searchability)
Id love to hire a coach that can help me do live speaking events
Advertising & possibly getting someone to help get my name out there in ways I don't even know.
And by doing all of this I hope I can reach more lives, train them, certify them & have more support.


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