Adamas Nexus Ltd


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Kristine Hewett


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Government Grant

  • Other

Tell us about your business:

Adamas Nexus provides community, connection, and corroboration for women survivors of domestic, family, and sexual violence. It is a post-crisis support group using lived experiences to drive positive change, growth, empathy, and recovery. We run twice monthly online meetings and have done so for 5+ years. Post-crisis support means survivors can move forward and be positive contributors to their communities, and not cycle back into abusive situations, alleviating the pressure on in-crisis services. The support group provides a positive forward-thinking environment where people can feel validated and can receive knowledge of how other survivors have moved forward after the abuse.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

Time has always been our enemy in running the charity which affects our ability to be more impactful (the 2 co-founders continue to work 4 days/week in other paying positions). Funding such as this allows us to outsource much of the admin so that we can focus on strategy and networking. It means we can positively impact the lives of women survivors so they can confidently live their lives with purpose and strength.

We have goals to re-ignite our face-to-face meetings. We want a woman to be anywhere in Australia and have a face-to-face meeting close by, or they can jump into an online meeting. Sometimes you can go for years and then something might trigger that trauma again, and our support is needed again. We want to be there for those times.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

$10K will be used for a portion of the annual back-office costs that are necessary to keep the charity running, along with extension of virtual administrative support to continue our presence on social media, with blogs and newsletters, and also facilitate access to guest appearances on podcasts. This admin assistance is essential to continue and to increase our presence in the sector so that we can reach and support more women. We would also engage a PR company to help spread the word via media about our group.


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