OD-AI Pty Ltd


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Mikhara Ramsing


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

We are a team of social activists that want to help businesses create support and safety for all their employees. The average company spends 9 months and $50K on creating a diversity and inclusion policy. We have built a tech product that can do it in 5 minutes and for one tenth the cost thereby making access to best practice policy environments possible for all Australian businesses.

Specifically, we generate bullying and harassment policies, dv policies, climate policies etc and turn those into actionable roadmaps with costing, timeframes and activities (like training). This helps create workplaces people can thrive in.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

$10K would enable us to launch a paid product in April and reach the 67,000 Australian businesses who employ 66% of Australians that need this support to meet new Respect at Work HR compliance and who canโ€™t afford the current consulting fees to do so. Weโ€™ve realised that policy impact comes from enacting policy, not just ticking a box - thatโ€™s how people feel safe and protected at work, and people stay when they feel safe. We want to help more businesses and people create the best work environments and create a revenue stream for our impact.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

1) Go to Market Advertising - our target market is medium sized Australian businesses, we would use $8K to create and launch a targeted LinkedIn marketing campaign with a media partner. Our goal is to get 150 paid clients which would support us to continue to do this full time. We currently have 10 enterprise clients interested via just word of mouth. This money would supercharge our impact.

2) Capacity building - we believe in continually investing in our growth and would use $2K to build partnerships and mentors with industry leaders, courses and tech mentors to help us achieve national impact.


The Hormone Hub

