Kaleidoscope News


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Demi Lynch


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

Kaleidoscope News is an independent Australian news media outlet dedicated to social justice issues and pop culture. Every day thousands of Aussies visit the Kaleidoscope News Instagram page to get their daily dose of news stories in the world of intersectional feminism.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

Most news companies make a profit through advertising on their website and newsletters. I have a website but I donโ€™t have the time and energy to create consistent website content. My followers have shown great interest in me also creating a newsletter but right now itโ€™s just me, myself and I. I donโ€™t have the time to do everything. So in order to grow Kaleidoscope News into a media giant, I need more writers and creators.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

$5K Grant
Part Time Paid Internship for 3 months (WRITER). Intern will work 8 hours a week for $416.66 for 12 weeks. Work will include interviewing, writing, researching etc.

$10K Grant
2 X Part Time Paid Internship for 3 months (WRITER + NEWSLETTER WRITER). Interns will work 8 hours a week for $416.66 for 12 weeks. Work will include interviewing, writing, researching, etc for both the website and newsletter.


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