Gut Science


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Angela Genoni


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

A registered nutritionist and gut microbiome scientist, I identified a significant gap in knowledge, understanding and application of gut health concepts amongst the general public. There is huge interest in this area, but a lot of confusion and misinformation exists. Therefore, I developed an eight-week training programme, grounded in good science, to support health and fitness enthusiasts, taking them from confused to empowered, about how to utilise and manage gut health for vitality and training.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

I have recently revised my programme and have market validated my offer and price point. I am passionate about leaving the world a better place than I found it, therefore I want to make this programme affordable so more people have access to information that can empower their whole life and health journey. Increasing reach and scaling to allow more people to have access to credible, valuable information is very important to me. This grant provides the means to increase and scale to this level. It also ensures that the process is efficient, and by automating some of my systems relating to early enquiries and sales, maximises my time spent in the right areas - which increases business profit.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

I am currently working with a team of business consultants to automate my selling sequence and increase my reach. This involves the development of a free, 14-day challenge, with a sequence of videos included in this challenge which increases my credibility and authority for potential clients to purchase my full training programme (which costs $500). Traffic to this 14-day challenge will be driven by paid ads, largely using social media platforms, highly targeted to my desired market of health and fitness enthusiasts, who have a significant interest in gut health, but are currently overwhelmed by information out there. This consultancy support costs $15,000 over the course of 2024, therefore, I would use these funds (whether it was $5k or $10k) to put towards this support. I have currently borrowed funds from family to pay the initial payment for this support.


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