Rebecca Sarr | Resonance Medicine


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Rebecca Sarr


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

I am the founder of Resonance Medicine, a spiritual healing and awakening modality that harnesses the power of the voice. I serve people from all walks of life who are on, or open to, the spiritual path. I especially love supporting conscious change makers and gifted, grounded intuitives, to realise and share their talents with the world.

I created Resonance Medicine after a series of profound mystical experiences, which led me to realise my own gifts of energetic healing and deep intuition. I believe that everyone has an inner genius, and through Resonance Medicine, I support people to embody it.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

10k would allow me to edit and publish my PhD as a popular book, which would situate me as an authoritative voice on the topics of Embodiment, Sound and the Spiritual Awakening Process. Becoming known as a leading authority on these topics would skyrocket interest my Resonance Medicine work (the healing modality I’ve founded) and provide me with global speaking opportunities, increasing my client base and resulting profits exponentially. Publishing my work would also create a steady passive income stream from book sales, which will support me in the developing Resonance Medicine theory and practice to a highly sophisticated level.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

Editing and Publishing Assistance - to turn my PhD in the Anthropology of Consciousness into a Book:
- Edit 100,000 words @ approx. $4,500
- Support to publish on Kindle Direct Publishing @ approx. $1000
- Social Media and Marketing Management (including ad spend) @ approx. $3000
- Virtual Administration Assistance for Book Launch period @ approx. $1500

Total: $10,000


Ruttsey Pty Ltd t/as The Canine Perspective

