Batt Bin


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Jessica Allen


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

The concept of Batt Bin was created to help family households with their battery recycling. By having a child resistant container for used batteries, this not only prevents handheld batteries from being thrown in the rubbish and reducing button battery ingestion, it also fosters positive recycling habits within the household and can be emptied from your door step on a subscription basis. Batt Bin also offers small business containers, for businesses wishing to start their environmental journey. Batt Bin helps close the loop on battery recycling, reducing the temptation to thrown them in the rubbish and thus helping our environment.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

10k would enable me to create an extensive impact by being able to be out in busy shopping centres, promoting Batt Bin and the benefits of safe battery storing and recycling. By also reaching out to preschools, this would help create a great fundraising opportunity to sell my product to families, who all go through packets of batteries, while raising money to the educators. Iā€™m a new business so looking for ways to better reach my target market in different ways other than running online ads. Doing these tasks would help Batt Bin organically grow to become a profitable business.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

My plan for having the 10k would enable me to purchase more stock for not only selling online, but also a portion to be given out to families within a preschool community as a fundraising opportunity. I would also like to set up a marketing campaign that would include; website improvements, shopping centre pop up stalls and printing flyers. All which would help spread the awareness of Batt Bin and start making an impact in our communities battery recycling habits.


Coastal kits


Passion For Fashion