The Upstream Collective


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Corin Boughton


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Other

Tell us about your business:

The Upstream Collective is a community organisation built upon a network of experienced and energetic professionals, who use their experience in education, child protection, corrections, and government policy to inform families on how to best navigate and use NDIS funding in a way that makes sense to them.
The approach of the collective is to navigate, curate, mould and create positive and original methods to support their participants in ways that are meaningful and useful to them. Our team and wider networks are available to provide both probono support and quality direct service provision through flexible and considered use of disability and health related funding streams.

It is our ultimate goal to support families and individuals to tap into supports and funding to live a full and meaningful life as defined by them.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

The new educational membership program will have a tiered fee structure, that involves 3 levels of inclusions, each charging a different membership fee.

We would also use the new content created to expand to group training for businesses, schools, universities and providers. The group training offerings would be a second new revenue stream.

Finally, we would offer advertising places on our podcast to services and businesses that offer unique and ethical offerings to people with disabilities, for eg: continence underwear from modi bodi, sensory friendly clothes from lucy and yak or orthotic friendly shoes from frankie 4

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

Create a Membership and Training Program that produces tailored content for three audiences:
o People living with disabilities
o Carers and Parents of people living with disabilities
o Professionals and Businesses

This program would aim to distill and impart the knowledge of our team in a series of masterclasses, podcasts, live Q&A sessions, a library of templates, guides, checklists, and sample documents that allows NDIS participants and their loved ones to navigate and curate their NDIS journey with a small monthly payment.


Dunsborough Books


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