House of Sand


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Charley Allanah


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped,Government Grant

Tell us about your business:

House of Sand creates visceral, heart-led performance for audiences of creative risk takers. And we provide training, professional development, and peer knowledge exchange to professional and aspiring performers, creators and designers.
Our ethical framework – Care-Based Creative Practice – places care at the equal centre of practice alongside creativity. The idea of “Care|Creation” is to our work as “Health|Care” is to a nurse: a practice compounding two enmeshed, equally prevalent elements.
First we create care-fully with artists, inviting them to explore, express, grow and take agency. Resultantly, audiences experience our performances as “a balm for the soul” (attendee, 2019)

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

We are at a critical inflection point; after a decade of bootstrapping and subsisting on project grants, we now increasingly recieve interest in our B2B offerings: productions and education events for programming (i.e. purchase) by theatres and festivals. This model of selling our work can allow us to become self-sustaining over coming years.
To fully leverage this opportunity we require dedicated time and resources to:
1. Consolidate internal understanding of our goals, focuses and methods.
2. Formalise our company structure, governance and guiding documents.
3. Develop a marketing strategy, including a total website overhaul, that reflects our vibe and values, and showcases our productions and events to be resonant with programmers.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

1K (of 5) or 2K (of 10) : Hire expert consultant, create dedicated time for co-founder to work with them on task 1 (of above)
2K (of 5) or 4K (of 10): Hire new contractor Business Manager to complete task 2, with co-founders guidance (including related costs and resources).
2K (of 5) or 4K (of 10): Re-kindle work with existing contractor Marketing Manager and create dedicated time for co-founders to work with them to undertake task 3, (including related costs and resources).


Known Designs


Miss Sugar Melbourne