

Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Emma Donnelly


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

Comm-it = created to fill a communications need in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) space.

Researchers/experts are traditionally terrible at translating what they do to audiences other than their colleagues. Often, they’re not even good at that!

I train STEM experts in soft skills including presentation skills, understanding audiences, jargon busting, storytelling, trust and other topics.

STEM research impacts us in all areas of our lives. I’m passionate about the world understanding and gaining value from science. As an award-winning science communicator, my mission’s to help scientists become better communicators so society can get more value from research.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

Being a sole-operator, is tough. Comm-it shifted from side-hustle to full-time in November 2022. My work has a massive impact on the researchers I work with (I have written evidence), but I am limited by me!

I can’t clone myself (yet). I can give more STEM researchers access to my content and expertise through online courses and an online community. An online community in the space of “researchers who want communicate better” doesn’t currently exist. This would be a world first!

With $10k I’d invest in software and support to increase
*access (going global baby!),
*Comm-it’s impact,

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

Grant request $10k
Software and support– online course and community subscription 12 months = $3.5k
Videographer and editing - support for filming videos for course materials = $4k
Graphic design – for course materials (basic design) = $1k
Promotion and marketing to develop online community = $1.5k

Total expenditure = $10k




Raise The Crowd