

Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Lynda Coker


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

We make co-ownership of property easy and enable the Australian dream. Co-ownership is a solution which addresses housing affordability more cost effectively and faster! We are helping parents who want to help their kids buy where it shouldn't be a gift and at the expense of their retirement and also helping younger Australians move from co-renting to co-owning. We have platformed the entire experience through to property settlement surfacing a co-ownership agreement at a democratised cost with a superior product. We have a phased roadmap with an ecosystem approach for co-ownership to be a mainstream option of home ownership.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

We have just launched our MVP and are at the pivotal stage of taking our solution to market so we are pre-revenue at this point. We are in beta so these funds will go directly to reaching customers to generating our initial revenue!

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

These funds would go directly on activating our social channels (where you can see there is little or no content yet across them all!) and I would love to see if I can engage with someone in this community if at all possible that has these skills. We are big on community and network effects! Also willing to help other women. Given the nature of our product, whilst we have been activating partner channels (mortgage brokers), we see the need to engage with end consumers and what we are trying to do is help everyday Australians achieve the Australian dream of home ownership.


Belinda Long Co.


Global Sheds Pty Ltd