Female Founder Feature: Anne Marshall

Female Founder Name: Anne Marshall

Business Name: Seven Islands Skincare

Website: www.sevenislandsskincare.com.au

Tell us about your business. What products or services do you offer?: Seven Islands Skincare is beauty therapist formulated and provides all natural skincare that is free from synthetics, chemicals, pollution and stress. It’s a holiday for your skin every day.

What inspired you to start your business?: I was inspired to start my business when I was enduring what was to be a ten year IVF journey and a 21 year long wait for an endometriosis diagnosis. Both my Dr and my naturopath steered me in the direction of toxin free skincare to help me clean up my body and my hormones. Being a beauty therapist, I found it hard to source a seriously clean product that was up to my standards and also within a reasonable price range. Trustworthy skincare is a lot harder to find than we think as it’s sadly largely unregulated.

How long have you been running your business?: I am seven years into my business and still loving it as much as when I started creating my first product. When you believe in what you're doing and the difference you can make - it just becomes part of you.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a woman in business, and how did you overcome it?: The biggest challenge as a woman in business is being expected to juggle it all. Outsourcing is my saving grace. I'm also not afraid to ask for help anymore. We should all help each other out when we can.

What has been your proudest moment as a business owner?: My proudest moment as a business owner was that very first time a complete stranger placed an order. It may sound small but it’s a very underestimated moment – and for me it was paramount to show I was on the right path.

What strategies have helped you grow your business?: Getting out there and meeting people is key to growth. Networking is so much fun, I love getting social. I also love to stay active on social media (although I have less time for this than I used to!).

What tools or resources have been game-changers for your business?: Email marketing is a wonderful way to keep in contact with people and tell them all my promos and specials. It keeps me fresh in people’s minds and it also allows me to reach lots of people at once. They’re people who have chosen to hear from me – not just people that my brand just happens to fall in front of.

Can you share one key lesson you’ve learned about managing finances as a business owner?: The biggest lesson for me about finances is that I literally cannot do it. I need this outsourced!

How do you balance the demands of your business with your personal life?: Getting up early and prioritising my self-care and exercise along with meditation and breathing is the best way to keep myself balanced. I'm a much nicer (and more productive) person when I get up early!

What leadership qualities do you believe are essential for running a successful business?: One of the best ways to lead is to lead by example, always lift others and hold your boundaries. Running a business also requires a lot of decision making so you really need to believe in yourself and trust yourself – and then just leap!

How do you motivate and manage your team?: I always want to empower others, I believe in strong communication and always celebrating the wins.

What role does mentorship or networking play in your business journey?: Sharing with others and learning from others is of such huge importance. We can’t all be everything all of the time, so it’s important to always learn and observe and then implement what we can. We all have something to learn and every day is an opportunity to learn more.

What trends do you think will shape your industry in the coming years?: I believe that the clean beauty movement will continue gaining momentum and strength as more and more health issues will be related to products we put in and on ourselves.

Who or what inspires you in your business journey?: I find inspiration in watching others succeed. If they can do it then I can do it too, so I watch and learn. I also love to hear 'great skin' stories from my customers, it helps me continue what I am doing and believing in my business and my cause.

What books, podcasts, or resources have had the biggest impact on your professional growth?: The Miracle Morning was a game changer for me. I literally started to fix myself and then realised everything else started to improve too, business included!

What’s a fun fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?: One fun fact about me is that like getting needles. Most people fear it, but for me I get some kind of kick out of it. Weird I know!

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about your business?: I wish more people knew that my skincare business is more than just about skin, it’s about keeping your body healthy as a whole and that’s how you’ll truly glow.

Reflecting on your time in business, what is one piece of advice you would give to another woman to help her on her business journey?: One piece of advice for other women in business is to stop saying yes to everything. If it’s going to cost you money – it needs to make you money. Networking for example is relatively free- and people will get to know and love you and your brand. Throwing money at expensive advertising is not the answer unless you have a much larger plan and strategy in place with all your bases covered.

How can people connect with you or learn more about your business? (e.g., website, social media, etc.): You can connect with me on my website, Instagram, Facebook or email me at anne@sevenislandsskincare.com.au

Anything you want to add that we might have missed?: I love to connect and collaborate with other like minded businesses. If you want to connect, please do!


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