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Perimenopause and Menopause for Business Mastery

You are invited to a SPARK Members Masterclass. This session will be recorded and available afterwards in your SPARK members portal.

Topic:  Perimenopause and Menopause for Business Mastery


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Passcode: 707990

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What we’ll cover… 

It’s time to thrive in both your personal and professional life. Don’t let peri + menopause be a roadblock; let’s navigate it together for a more empowered you!

When you’re in the thick of it, you know that your symptoms go well beyond hot flushes. You’ll recognise not only the physical but the mental and emotional impact that your hormones can have on you both personally and professionally. 

Super simple and practical strategies and coping techniques

We’ll specifically look at tackling fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, weight gain and sleep disturbances,  which can impact your productivity, creativity and confidence. 

How to keep your cool under pressure

This is the key to overcoming anxiety, overwhelm and feeling like you can go from zero to one hundred in a matter of minutes.  We’ll look at what you can do RIGHT NOW to support the way you deal with stress so you can confidently show up for your clients and your team without losing your s#@t. 

Exactly how to work with your hormones, not against them

Using nutrition, lifestyle and mindset strategies for a smoother transition through perimenopause and menopause so you know exactly the steps to take to stay in control.

Feel empowered and confident 

Have the right information to make informed choices and feel in control of your hormones, and your life, both personally and professionally.

About Kylie: 
Kylie is a clinical nutritionist, speaker and host of The Hormone Hub podcast.  She is the creator of the Hormone Code, a holistic solution that supports high achieving professionals and women in business going through perimenopause and menopause to balance their changing hormones, reset their metabolisms and reduce burnout, overwhelm and anxiety from their business and life. 

Where you can find Kylie:

20 February

February Monthly Virtual Coffee

7 March

March Monthly CEO Time