eKoo, Body & Soul


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Kerry Cleopatra


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Other,Bootstrapped,Government Grant

Tell us about your business:

I lead wise women to honour themselves, their deepest soul calling.. despite the noisy world! This is my soul work, and I believe women are ready! I’m here to disrupt, with love, redefining beauty, inside out! Through beautiful products, immersion in transformational experiences (powerful, accessible - courses, events, retreats), magical change happens!
This work is remembering our innate human gifts, to honour ourselves as women, supporting our being, with core principles to living a beautiful life! We all thrive when we live our authentic soul expression! Having practiced, integrated and experienced, my work (and I), are ready for greater impact.

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

I can reach more women! As women transform – they enrich our world further! eKoo offers change - with the simplest of touch, scent, healing and confidence, real results with incredible skincare, to tea moments, health improvements and genuine stories, keeping me inspired in tough times! I’ve integrated the products and services into a cohesive offering, and am so happy to be bringing the next level and voice with eKoo’s purposeful impact.
PS. I’ve been recovering these last 2 years, closed bricks/mortar shop, menopause, cPTSD, family.. breaking down and beautiful breakthroughs! I am really well!
5-10K would be a God send!

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

1. Marketing: $4-5000 Mentor to plan effective workflow, alongside a VA to improve CRM systems, social media bio, setup, implementation, continuity. Printing event signage
2. Rebranding: $2000 for labels design, printing and packaging.
3. Launch: $3000 incl. organiser, extra marketing, venue, refreshments, speakers (intend further sponsorship, speakers, food, wine, giveaways) Women will remember and talk about this event! Aim is to inspire, build trust, pamper, excite, educate, impact, word of mouth, expand reach, brand awareness, reward loyalty, appreciation customers, new customers and sales. With some amazing speakers to inspire as well! eKoo is so much more than skin deep!


Rebecca Sarr | Resonance Medicine


Little Koko