Ananda Holistic Health


Video Entry

Business Information

Female Founder:

Amanda Curtis


How has the business been funded to date?

  • Bootstrapped

Tell us about your business:

Obsessed with ancient wisdom and the human experience, my lifestyle business has seen many "seasons". Yoga, bodywork, numerology, eco-therapy, kinesiology and finally, my beloved “Thrive”.

A personal development and learn-to-surf program leading 8 women on a journey of (re)connection; with nature, community, and self. A veracious rewilding experience, beyond fear and comfort zones, where we dare to bring dreams to life.

I'm honoured to have lived and learnt from incredible people and cultures across the globe, shaping a life that truly excites me. Thrive is a culmination of the gems that got me here and my dream is simply to share their wisdom with those who might find value in them too!

How would $5k or $10k enable you to create more profit and impact in your business?

Thrive is an 8 week program, 8 participants, run 3-4 times/year. The only program of it’s kind in Australia, maybe the world?… It’s a truly transformational experience and ultimately I want to be able to touch more lives by sharing my passion.

The next step is retreats, and eventually training a team to facilitate Thrive for specialised demographics across the globe. What do I need right now to bring the dream to life? Exposure! Having capital to invest in branding, marketing, an independent website, and content/promo shoots would be a complete game changer for the scale of my business, earning capacity, and potential impact.

Please outline what you would spend the grant on:

I so deeply believe in Thrive and it’s potential for huge positive impacts on individuals and communities, and recently I’ve realised that I haven’t stepped into my full potential in business yet. I’ve always held myself back from up-levelling my offerings even though Thrive’s most common reviews are “life changing” and “way beyond my expectations”.

I finally feel ready to truly invest in my dreams, so this grant will be used to hire experts to expand Thrive both nationally and internationally by developing a new website, logo, branding kit, marketing strategies and professional content for socials and paid advertisements.


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